Psychoeducational evaluations are comprehensive assessments conducted by licensed psychologists that focus on factors impacting academic achievement. Specifically, these evaluations seek to integrate the student's developmental, emotional, social, academic, family, and medical histories in order to obtain a clearer understanding of the person's abilities.
Psychoeducational evaluations involve the following activities: reviewing existing academic/medical/mental health records, conducting clinical interviews, completing rating forms/questionnaires, directly observing behavior during different activities, and administering formal test measures. The formal tests most commonly used assess intellectual functioning (IQ) and academic achievement, but other measures (e.g., memory tests or specialized ADHD tests) can be incorporated as needed.
Upon completion of all of these steps, a report is prepared that can be submitted to schools or employers in order to obtain assistance in optimizing the person's performance. This report will include relevant background information, test results and interpretation, diagnoses (if applicable), and recommendations. Psychoeducational assessments can be used to establish a wide range of diagnoses including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Learning Disorders. Mood, anxiety, and behavioral issues can also be detected and diagnosed.
The largest benefit of psychoeducational evaluations is the recommendations, which are made to assist students in improving their functioning. Recommendations typically focus on what the individual, parents, and schools can do to improve the person's ability to learn and ability to demonstrate what has been learned. Examples of recommendations include extra time on tests, focusing on sight words over phonics, and audiotaping lectures. Recommendations could also include non-academic recommendations such as working with a Speech-Language Pathologist, seeing a counselor to work on test-taking anxiety, and considering a medication evaluation.
The typical evaluation requires 3-6 hours of direct contact with the student and his or her family (when appropriate) in addition to time for scoring tests and report writing. We do not bill insurance.