There are a number of interventions that may be on offer from health services like anti-anxiety medication as well as medication to improve sleep.
Psychological and mental health resources may include CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) which may aid in recurrent anxiety and depression.
There's an increasing body of scientific literature that may indicate mindfulness can also aid in anxiety.
Confiding in family and close friends may also be of use.
It may be wise to explore a combination of the above for maximum benefit. As always talk to a qualified health professional before undertaking any intervention so that you may benefit fully.
There are a number of interventions that may be on offer from health services like anti-anxiety medication as well as medication to improve sleep.
Psychological and mental health resources may include CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) which may aid in recurrent anxiety and depression.
There's an increasing body of scientific literature that may indicate mindfulness can also aid in anxiety.
Confiding in family and close friends may also be of use.
It may be wise to explore a combination of the above for maximum benefit. As always talk to a qualified health professional before undertaking any intervention so that you may benefit fully.