“The systematic study of personality as a recognizable and separate discipline within psychology may be said to have begun in the 1930s with the publication in the United States of two textbooks, Psychology of Personality (1937) by Ross Stagner and Personality: A Psychological Interpretation(1937) by Gordon W. Allport, followed by Henry A. Murray’s Explorations in Personality(1938), which contained a set of experimental and clinical studies, and by Gardner Murphy’s integrative and comprehensivetext, Personality: A Biosocial Approach to Origins and Structure (1947). Yet personology can trace its ancestry to the ancient Greeks, who proposed a kind of biochemical theory of personality.”
“The systematic study of personality as a recognizable and separate discipline within psychology may be said to have begun in the 1930s with the publication in the United States of two textbooks, Psychology of Personality (1937) by Ross Stagner and Personality: A Psychological Interpretation(1937) by Gordon W. Allport, followed by Henry A. Murray’s Explorations in Personality(1938), which contained a set of experimental and clinical studies, and by Gardner Murphy’s integrative and comprehensivetext, Personality: A Biosocial Approach to Origins and Structure (1947). Yet personology can trace its ancestry to the ancient Greeks, who proposed a kind of biochemical theory of personality.”