So I created the meme above to point out the chasm that exists between what general impressions may be about the field of psychology and the actual practice of psychology.
One of the first questions people may ask when they know you are studying psychology, is whether you know what they are thinking? It's one of the funniest and most touching parts of human psychology, that we desire to be known (at least within reason) and yet this creates uncertainty and vulnerability that we may find less than comfortable. This sort of defensive questioning hidden beneath a veil of humour indicates the desire and reticence about giving too much of private mental lives away.
I remember tales of my mother working within a hospital setting and having to perform any number of intimate care procedures for individuals, and the men she said were often uncomfortable with these as they were made vulnerable. But what these men failed to realise was that any discomfort or awkwardness on the part of my mother wasn't there since she had had many patients in the hospital who required the same considerations.
I mention this to illustrate that for the psychologist there is little of surprise in the psyche of individuals, especially after a sustained and prolonged career. There is a professional detachment, and objectivity that comes with treating a subject as academic fodder, thus the discomfort lies only on the part of the patient, participant or friend.
Thus, psychologists whether researching or applied, need to be able to put the minds of individuals' at ease in order to facilitate psychological understanding. Sometimes this might be as simple as stating humorously but directly that given the amount of time each day devoted to understanding the intricacies of the human mind and behaviour, sometimes a psychologist has neither the will nor inclination to dig deep into the psyche of a new acquaintance.
But this meme is created principally from the perspective of the psychologist themselves who do well to remember, the limitations of their knowledge.
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