In assessing a client, arriving at a diagnosis, and making a therapy plan, it is essential to know about the 5 P's. What really are the 5P's?
1. Predisposing factors
- biological factors that put the client at risk for a developing psychopathology
- i.e., biochemical levels, genetics, illnesses, diet
2. Precipitating factors
- the specific event/s or activity that triggered the current psychopathology
- i.e., failing a test, being bullied before, death in family
3. Perpetuating factors
- factors that have maintained the problem once it has been established
- i.e., memories of the traumatic event, behavioral reinforcers
4. Present factors
- systems that are operating during the time of distress
- i.e., global pandemic, failing stock market
5. Protective factors
- factors that prevent/lessen the abnormal behaviors
- i.e., strong social & parental support
This is interesting. The predisposing factors which are biological, genetics et cetera is very essential. There the therapist will make necessary referrals if the client would be needing proper medical monitoring.