@Benjamin Silber, Ph.D., ABPP has a great explanation on this topic.
As he notes: "Individuals found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect (or insanity) are typically acquitted of their criminal charges. Depending on the nature of the charges and jurisdiction, the defendant may instead be committed to a hospital or other facility pending an evaluation of dangerousness or violence risk."
He also explains that the definition of insanity differs from one country to another and he adresses the primary sources of information in order to assess whether a defendant is insane at the time of the alleged offense.
It's a really great read! You can find the article on the blog or by the following link:
@Benjamin Silber, Ph.D., ABPP has a great explanation on this topic.
As he notes: "Individuals found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect (or insanity) are typically acquitted of their criminal charges. Depending on the nature of the charges and jurisdiction, the defendant may instead be committed to a hospital or other facility pending an evaluation of dangerousness or violence risk."
He also explains that the definition of insanity differs from one country to another and he adresses the primary sources of information in order to assess whether a defendant is insane at the time of the alleged offense.
It's a really great read! You can find the article on the blog or by the following link: