It is well known that our gut bacteria has lots of importance in our well-being: there is a strong connection between our brain and our intestinal microbiome. This fact might help us approach the management of depression and other mental disorders from a wider perspective. I strongly believe that our diet plays a major role in our emotional health.
"Psychobiotics is a field which investigates the effects of probiotics and mental health. Some research shows that certain Lactobacillus species improve stress resilience and anxiety. Some studies even show that taking probiotics can help alleviate symptoms of depression.
Probiotics help to support human health by keeping the gut ecosystem balanced and preventing dysbiosis. By doing so, beneficial bacteria can thrive and contribute to your health and butyrate production. The positive link between probiotics and depression is already showing great promise."
I'm so excited about the fact that we're finding out more secrets about how our bodies work! Thank you for sharing this info.