§ Ask for help:
Consult a therapist or ask a friend or a family member to keep a check-up on you and your work. This is a very important step if you’re suffering from depression.
§ Prioritize wisely:
Your first priority should always be your mental health makes sure that if you have 10 things on your to-do list cut them down to the 3 most important things and try to do them first in a day. Don’t overburden yourself.
§ Try to reward yourself for doing small things:
People are far more motivated if they get a reward or incentive for working so rewarding is the best way that can overcome your depression and can be used as a great motivation tool in our daily life.
§ Stay in present:
Sometimes people think a lot about their future and that results in depression in them so instead of overthinking about the past or future try to stay in present. This is a very mindfulness technique that overcomes all the negative feelings from our life.
§ Exercise daily:
Daily exercising can dramatically help you in lifting up your mood. Moreover, coming out of your environment and interacting with nature while exercising is the best way to overcome your depression.
One more thing I learned from the well-known Jordan Peterson is that for one to stay mentally healthy, one needs to have a daily routine, no matter how small (e.g waking up at the same time, having a breakfast..) By having a routine/ schedule it will help us stabilize our nervous system and our brain will thank us for it.